What is Microblading?

Microblading is a semi-permanent tattoo that allows your artist to reconstruct your brows. The technique is used with a handheld, manual blade and tattoos soft individual hair like strokes while depositing pigment under the epidermal layer of the skin.

How long does it last?

Microblading lasts anywhere from 1-2 years depending on the person.

How long does the procedure take?

The procedure takes anywhere from 1.5-2 hours depending on each client.

Does it hurt?

Most clients feel little to no pain! We use a high quality topical numbing cream before and during the procedure.

How much does it cost?

Your first session is $450 and that includes a consultation, the initial treatment as well as a touch-up 4-6 weeks after.

Who are good candidates for microblading?

People with thin to no eyebrows
People who have uneven eyebrows
People that are active that sweat and swim
People who don’t like to spend time filling in their brows
People who like a natural “no makeup” look
People suffering from alopecia and hair loss from medical treatment

Who isn't a good candidate for microblading?

People that are/have the following:

Under 18 years of age
Pregnant or breastfeeding
HIV, Hepatitis
Heart Conditions
Taking Thyroid medications
Received botox within 4 weeks 
Allergic to makeup
Prone to Seizures
On any skin medication such as accutaine, steroids etc
Oversensitive skin
Undergoing chemotherapy/have skin cancer
Prone to keloid scarring

Can I get microblading while pregnant?

It is not recommended unless a signed release from your physician is provided.

Can I microblade over an existing tattoo?

Yes, however a consultation will determine if possible. 

Does microblading work on all skin tones and types?

Yes! Microblading works on all skin types and tones.

Botox before or after my microblading session?

Botox should be done 4 to 6 weeks after your Microblading touch up. Your cosmetic injector will determine where to inject your botox without altering your brows. If you have had botox done recently, you must wait at least 4 to 6 weeks until it has settled.

Microblading FAQ